
Work efficient, easy and excellent with Excel?

Sometimes it helps you to get a perspective where the journey can go. The good news are that a lot is possible with Excel. We help you to discover and unleash that potential.

Below you will find some examples of how other users have been able to work more excellent, easier and definitely more efficient with Excel. And maybe you will also find yourself in some of the ways of working...

Example: Automation at goods receipt

The way of working (before)

List is created and compared manually

List is reformatted manually

Duration: several hours

The automations

List is only selected by the user

List is automatically reformatted based on a template

Duration: a few seconds to max. one minute

The advantages (afterwards)

More joy at work

Adjustments to the template are applied directly

More time for productive work

Example: Digitization of participant lists

The way of working (before)

Handwritten lists of participants

Data protection not guaranteed

Manual typing of lists

The automations

Digital recording of all participants

Maximum data protection guaranteed

Easy import of data

The advantages (afterwards)

Automatic summary of data

Consistent data

Avoidance of inaccuracies

Example: Simplified data matching of multiple data sources

The way of working (before)

Manual matching of data sources

Several hundred entries are processed individually

Duration: several hours to days

The automations

User only selects data sources

Comparison of all entries, display of relevant entries only

Duration: approx. 10 seconds

The advantages (afterwards)

Fast processing of important entries

Probleme können leicht erkannt werden

Enorme Einsparung der Arbeitszeit

Example: Improved reporting in project management

The way of working (before)

Template is not protected from changes

Different reports

Error-prone and time-consuming

The automations

Template is protected and can be operated only by macros

Consistent reporting ensured

Defined work processes are applied automatically

The advantages (afterwards)

Unwanted side effects are excluded

Simplified summary of results

Necessary, basic functionalities are available

Example: New sales, time and staff recording

The way of working (before)

Old software without maintenance & updates

Cutbacks in functionality

Depending on special software

The automations

Authorization concept for more security

Customized functionality

Completely implemented with Microsoft Excel

The advantages (afterwards)

High flexibility in daily work

Many analysis options through Excel

Simple handling without special knowledge

Example: Generating of donation receipts

The way of working (before)

Difficulties with current solution

High manual work effort

Increased risk of errors during data transfer

The automations

Simple solution with Excel & Word

Automation of many processes

Reduced errors by users

The advantages (afterwards)

More time and money for charitable projects

Automate copy & paste

More efficient work


If you have found yourself in some of the ways of working or you have thought of your own work steps and projects where you would like to have one of the advantages mentioned, then write to us now.

We look forward to helping you and supporting you in your work!